Verified Teachers

We have 1000+ qualified tuition teachers to work with students of all ages from Pre-Nursery to Post Graduate, covering all subjects.

Special Education

Our goal is to develop an innovative user-friendly interface to discover and learn from new ways taught by mentors.

Exam Preparation

We are the most trustable company providing home tutor in your local area for one to one study session and get prepare your child for exams.

Crash Course

We provide the specialized classes for SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, NEET, JEE and Bank exams to students to achieve their goals.

A.R Pathshala (Since 2019)

A.R Pathshala is India's leading online/offline tutoring company which enables students to learn from the trained and experienced tutors. We have distinct profile of teachers who have taught many aspirants, and above all you have the choice of picking up your mentor.

At AR Pathshala, we believe education benefits our society, especially when accessed by anyone willing to expand their horizons.

We encourage you to register on our website and participate in our effort to make the world a better place through education and to continue helping us find new ways to make learning more accessible for everyone at distant place across nation.

Why AR Pathshala

At AR Pathshala, we have teachers custom made for education covering classes 1st to 12th grade they can help you to prepares well for school boards, competitive examinations and co-curricular courses. Different domains like Sports, Yoga, Music, Dance, NDA , CDS, Bank exams are all under our Umbrella Guidance Program and we have specific strategy to ace them.

AR Pathshala's online/offline tutoring platform enables learning between a teacher and a student through detailed personal mentoring sessions at student's doorsteps.

1000 Certified Teachers
2000 Students
40 Courses
9 Avg. Tutor Rating

Our Top Courses

AR Pathshala's online/offline tutoring platform enables learning between a teacher and a student through detailed personal mentoring sessions at their doorsteps.

Academic Classes

1st to 12th All subjects.

School Entrance Exam

Sainik School, Navodaya Vidhalaya, Sports Entrance Exam, RIMC/ RMS, Olympiad Exam (RIMC Images)

Crash Courses

Class 9th to 12th All Subjects.
JEE(Main/ Advance), NEET, CUET, Etc.

Competitive Exam

CUET/ SSC/ BANK/ UPSC/ NDA/ CDS/ Stare Govt. Job, Etc.

Computer Classes

Basic Computer, CCC, C, C++, JAVA, Data Structure, Python, AI, Etc.

Spoken Languages

Hindi, Sanskrit, English, German, Spanish, French, Arabic, Etc.


Light/ Western/ classical Music, Guitar, Piano, Harmonium, Keyboard, Tabla, Dholak, Drums, Octapad, Etc.

Dance Classes

Kathak, Bollywood, Free Style, Etc…

Yoga Classes

Yoga For Beginners, Yoga For Kids, Fitness, Advance Yoga, Breathing Techniques, Basic Asanas, Etc..
